Welcome to the

I-55 Partnership

“Come, all you who are thirsty…” Isaiah 55:1

Established in 2010, the I-55 partnership focuses on sharing the love of Jesus with international University students in the US and abroad. Our name originates from Isaiah chapter 55, often referred to as “The Messiah’s Invitation to the World.”

The international high school and university students we touch are eager to improve their lives and their communities back home. Offering opportunities to improve their English has proven to be an effective way of impacting them spiritually without preaching. Read more about our mission.

What We Do

Our Ocean City, MD summer project attracts international students working for minimum wages and helps give them a chance to experience American cultural activities. We also provide a safe environment for them to hang out, play games, practice their English and hear the Gospel message in a meaningful way.

Our international efforts center around 1-2 week conversational English Clubs in partnership with local CRU teams. From 25 to 100 students usually attend these classes held primarily in locations throughout Eastern Europe. Students learn about various topics and read and discuss some parables and miracles of Jesus.

How to Support Us


We welcome spiritual support! Please keep our efforts and our staff in your prayers!


We depend on the faithfulness and generosity of people just like you who invest in our lives and ministry. Click below to financially support us and/or our projects. Thanks for partnering with us!

Donations are tax deductible, the I-55 Partnership is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit.


Join us for summer activities in Ocean City, MD or at one of our upcoming English Clubs in Eastern Europe. Warning: Your life may change!