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August 13: Exciting Update from Ocean City, MD
Steve Young Steve Young

August 13: Exciting Update from Ocean City, MD

Benny (one of our Student Volunteers or SV's from Bucharest) met Adi at our Coffee House, saw Adi again at Son'Spot and began to build a relationship with Adi playing soccer during Coffee House meetings. They decided to do a "FIFA World Cup" night sometime.

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July 31 Update from Ocean City, MD
Steve Young Steve Young

July 31 Update from Ocean City, MD

Greetings from Ocean City, MD. Our team of 14 Student Volunteers (2 Bulgarians, 3 Moldovans & 9 Romanians) have all arrived and acclimated to life in Ocean City.

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July 7 Update from Ocean City, MD
Steve Young Steve Young

July 7 Update from Ocean City, MD

Thanks so much for your prayers for us during the past week. On Saturday 29 June, 24 students & 3 adults strolled through the Salisbury zoo and then enjoyed a church picnic at Providence Presbyterian Church.

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June 29 Update from Ocean City, MD
Steve Young Steve Young

June 29 Update from Ocean City, MD

It has been a month since I (Steve) arrived here in Ocean City, MD (OC). We are somewhat settled in the house we are renting and our team of Interns & Student Volunteers (SV's) has grown to 10. The number of international students attending free meals keeps increasing and is the most we have seen since before COVID.

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Update from Ocean City, MD
Steve Young Steve Young

Update from Ocean City, MD

Normally during the summers in OC we get a clear glimpse or two of why GOD has us here. This summer it started almost immediately.

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Update: May 7
Steve Young Steve Young

Update: May 7

Thanks for your prayers for us concerning housing in Ocean City, MD this summer. Yesterday the landlord, Shelia & I all signed the rental agreement and I mailed a check for the security deposit. Yea! GOD has been so gracious throughout this entire process.

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Update: Answers to Prayer
Steve Young Steve Young

Update: Answers to Prayer

During the past two weeks, 5 of our prospective Ocean City, MD summer project Student Volunteers (SV's) got their visas - Maria from Bulgaria and Benny, Bianca & 2 Rebeca's from Romania. Thanks so much for praying.

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Update: EC's & OC - Prayer Needed
Steve Young Steve Young

Update: EC's & OC - Prayer Needed

Thanks for your prayers for us concerning housing in Ocean City, MD this summer. Yesterday the landlord, Shelia & I all signed the rental agreement and I mailed a check for the security deposit. Yea! GOD has been so gracious throughout this entire process.

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Update: Answers to Prayer
Steve Young Steve Young

Update: Answers to Prayer

Greetings from Staunton, VA. Thanks so much for your prayers during our Iasi English Club mountain retreat in Vama (22-24 March) and during the second week of class (25-29 March) in Iasi, ROMANIA. There were 2 English lessons during the weekend and most of the 40 students who attended the retreat hiked to the top Saturday afternoon despite heavy snow on the ground.

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Update: Prayer Needed
Steve Young Steve Young

Update: Prayer Needed

HE is risen. HE is risen indeed! Happy Resurrection Day.

Greetings from Bucharest, ROMANIA. I am here celebrating Easter with 5 of our potential Ocean City, MD (OC) Student Volunteers (SV’s). The two-week English Club in Iasi, ROMANIA went well and I will tell you about it soon.

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Update: EC Iasi, Romania
Steve Young Steve Young

Update: EC Iasi, Romania

We completed the first week of class here at English Club (EC) Iasi, ROMANIA and are headed to the mountains near Vama for a weekend retreat Friday-Sunday. Although it rained most days and EC attendance was up and down throughout the week, for the most part we were able to have 3 discussion groups each for the advanced & beginners and 4 groups for the intermediates.

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Update: EC's in L'Viv & Iasi
Steve Young Steve Young

Update: EC's in L'Viv & Iasi

Greetings from Iasi, ROMANIA. The week-long English Club (EC) we did in L'Viv, UKRAINE is over and the two-week EC here in Iasi has just begun.

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Update: Answers to Prayer from L'Viv, Ukraine
Steve Young Steve Young

Update: Answers to Prayer from L'Viv, Ukraine

Thanks so much for your prayers for us as we traveled from the US to L'Viv, UKRAINE this past weekend. We 6 Americans rendezvoused in Munich, Germany and flew to Rzeszow, Poland. Then we boarded a bus at the airport and departed for L'Viv. We stopped to pick up passengers in Przemysl and arrived at the Polish border, crossed the border into UKraine, resumed our journey to L'Viv, and arrived in L'Viv about 7:30 pm. It could not have been any easier.

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Update: URGENT Prayer Needed
Steve Young Steve Young

Update: URGENT Prayer Needed

Do you like adventure? Well, 6 of us are on an adventure with Jesus and we can surely use your prayer support. We are flying out of the US this evening and rendezvousing in Munich, GERMANY tomorrow morning and then flying on to Rzeszow, POLAND.

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Update: Thank you & upcoming English Clubs
Steve Young Steve Young

Update: Thank you & upcoming English Clubs

Thanks so much to those who encouraged us, prayed for us, and supported us financially during 2023. In early December we only had about 65% of the funding that was needed but through your generosity and by GOD's grace and faithfulness we ended 2023 in the black (with a small surplus). Praise GOD and thank you!

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Update: Thank you 2023; hello 2024
Steve Young Steve Young

Update: Thank you 2023; hello 2024

Thanks so much for your friendship, encouragement, prayers, and financial support throughout 2023 for our family (Steve & Shelia, 4 kids + 3 grandkids) and our ministry through overseas English Clubs (EC's) and the Ocean City, MD summer project.

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