Update: Thank you & upcoming English Clubs

Thanks so much to those who encouraged us, prayed for us, and supported us financially during 2023. 

In early December we only had about 65% of the funding that was needed but through your generosity and by GOD's grace and faithfulness we ended 2023 in the black (with a small surplus).  Praise GOD and thank you!

We are preparing for 4 upcoming English Clubs (EC's) in March.  The CRU team in L'Viv, UKRAINE has invited us to do another EC from Monday 11 through Saturday 16 March.  We have a team of 6 Americans headed there via Munich, Germany and then Rzeszow, Poland.  Please pray that GOD will arrange transportation from the airport in Rzeszow to and across the Polish & Ukrainian borders, and then on to L'viv.  Thanks!

Then we will be doing a two-week EC in Iasi, ROMANIA from 18-29 March and a one week EC in Cluj, ROMANIA from 18-23 March as well as a one-week EC in Timisoara, ROMANIA from 25-30 March.  We are in need of Americans to come help us in all 3 of the Romanian EC's so if your passport is up to date and if you would enjoy leading discussions on some parables & miracles of Jesus and having one-on-one spiritual conversations with Romanian high school & university students, please contact us ASAP.

During the past few weeks GOD has been speaking to me (Steve) about URGENCY and the need to start thinking & living outside the box - taking BIG risks for GOD and sharing Jesus with those who don't know Him.  It is so easy to live "same old, same old" but that doesn't seem to be helping us fulfill the Great Commission.  It's time for a change because the world is definitely changing and only GOD knows just how much time we have left.

with love & much appreciation,

Steve & Shelia


Update: URGENT Prayer Needed


Update: Thank you 2023; hello 2024