June 29 Update from Ocean City, MD

It has been a month since I (Steve) arrived here in Ocean City, MD (OC).  We are somewhat settled in the house we are renting and our team of Interns & Student Volunteers (SV's) has grown to 10.  The number of international students attending free meals keeps increasing and is the most we have seen since before COVID.  Our grandkids also enjoy going to the free meals and meeting students.  One morning our eight year old granddaughter met groups of students from China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia & Nepal, had a photo with each group, and found their country on the map.  Our team has met many students and we are on the verge . . .

TODAY, Saturday 29 June, will be our first cultural event.  This afternoon we are going to the Salisbury Zoo and then attending a picnic hosted by Providence Presbyterian Church.  In addition to our whole team about 15 students from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Nepal, Romania & Turkey are planning to join us.  Our Bulgarian Volunteer Petar will be sharing his testimony so please ask GOD to impact lives.

Monday 1 July, will be our first Coffee House - English Club (CH-EC) from 7-10 pm.  Weather permitting, most of it will take place in our backyard and across the street in the park until dusk when we will move inside our house for small group discussion.  The 30 American students serving on the CRU summer project will help us with the outdoor activities and then one of them will join each discussion group.  We have never done anything like this before so please pray that GOD will bring everything together and that everyone will have a fun and meaningful experience.

On Wednesday 3 July we will have our second CH-EC and for Thursday 4 July, we are inviting students to hang out with our team on the beach and watch the fireworks together.  Our goal for these events and activities is to spend as much time as possible with students, to help them experience the love of Jesus in personal ways and to show & tell them how Jesus has changed our lives.  Thanks so much for partnering with us in prayer.

Steve ( & Shelia)
for the team

PS  Our Kazakh friend DARINA who suffered a mini stroke returned home to Kazakhstan on Tuesday 18 June to be under the care of her doctor and to rehab.  Prior to her departure, SV Maria & I provided pizza for DARINA and her friends and we both prayed over her asking for GOD's protection, provision and healing in the Name of Jesus.


July 7 Update from Ocean City, MD


Update from Ocean City, MD