Update: May 7

Thanks for your prayers for us concerning housing in Ocean City, MD this summer.  Yesterday (Monday 6 May) the landlord, Shelia & I all signed the rental agreement and I mailed a check for the security deposit.  Yea!  GOD has been so gracious throughout this entire process.  The house was built in 1948, contains about 3,000 square feet and is situated on one-third of an acre of land (0.134 hectares).  It has a BIG living room, a HUGE yard for an Ocean City property, and is across the street from a park so we are sure the students will greatly enjoy visiting.  While we are excited we also realize that there is much work to be done.  The house is unfurnished and has not been lived in for nearly 3 years.  It is slated for demolition in the fall.  We hope to arrive on Tuesday 28 May and begin the process.

Tonight Shelia & I each completed our women's and men's study of the Gospel of John under the auspices of Bible Study Fellowship (BSF).  We are thankful that our home church has hosted these 30-week, in-depth studies for the past few years.  We mention this because next fall BSF will be offering a study in the Book of Revelation.  The war in Ukraine, the invasion of Israel, the turmoil in our American political situation, etc all point to the fact that we are moving closer to the end times.  There has never been a more appropriate time to be informed about and prepared for what will take place during the last days.  BSF is international and offers these studies in cities all across America and around the world.  Why not go to bsfinternational.org, locate a group near you or on-line, and sign up to study Revelation in the fall?

Anca studies in Cluj, ROMANIA and wants to serve as a Student Volunteer on our Ocean City, MD summer project.  Please pause for a moment right now and ask GOD to intervene on behalf of Anca during her visa interview in Bucharest on Monday 13 May and grant her favor in the eyes of the consular officials and success in obtaining the necessary visa.  Thanks. 

with love & appreciation,

Steve & Shelia

for the team


Update from Ocean City, MD


Update: Answers to Prayer