Update: Answers to Prayer

During the past two weeks, 5 of our prospective Ocean City, MD summer project Student Volunteers (SV's) got their visas - Maria from Bulgaria and Benny, Bianca & 2 Rebeca's from Romania. 

Thanks so much for praying.  In addition, Steve gave a mission presentation in our home church focusing on the recent English Clubs (EC's) in Romania & Ukraine and the upcoming OC summer project.  Below are two slides which summarize some of the results from follow-up efforts after the EC's.  GOD is at work so please continue to pray that many of these students will come to know Jesus.

Tomorrow morning (Tuesday 23 April) Steve is scheduled to have a phone conversation with the owner and talk through the contract on the house in Ocean City we are hoping to rent for the summer.  It would seem to meet many of our needs (great location, lots of parking, potentially 5 bedrooms, BIG yard, etc) so please ask GOD to help us sort out all the details.  Thanks - if things work out we'll share more. 

with love & appreciation,

Steve & Shelia

for the team


Update: May 7


Update: EC's & OC - Prayer Needed